
Arcades exhibition / Base-Alpha gallery

Arcades is Conrad's and Base-Alpha's first exhibition of 2019. A group show curated by Bart Vanderbiesen, combining work by Conrad Willems, Laurens Legiers & Hélène Meyer.

For this exhibition, Base-Alpha brings together two painters and a sculptor, connected through architecture and play. Conrad’s Construction IV and a new Variation V (II) consisting of 86 Brazilian granite blocks from Construction V will be shown against the backdrop of large-scale colourfull paintings. A short walk from the Central Station, Base-Alpha has carved a name for itself as a space for forward-thinking and subversive art.

Arcades opens 24/01, 19h, at Base-Alpha Antwerp.
On show from 24/01 to 9/03/2019, from Thursdays to Saturdays from 14h-18h.